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13th August 2018


Alhamdulillahirobbil 'alamin, praise and gratitude I pray to You.
Oh God, because 'til this time You still give me the opportunity to live in this beautiful world.

It doesn't feel like day after day to keep changing, week to week feels very short. The moon is changing, and so is year. Rabbi ... how short it feels ...

Oh God, thank You for the path that You described, and all the conveniences that You gave.

Yaa Rabb, thank you for the lesson You gave, that everything will be beautiful in time.

You open my eyes, that even though I often feel bitter and painful. But I'm sure Your plans are always the best and beautiful.

This year I learned a lot about life. Learning that everything in this world is only Yours. You can take everything at any time and You replace it with Your will.

Give thanks to You, because You always give  me the sweetest loved, of those who have kindness in it.

Sometimes my life is full of worldly heresies, when I often break all Your commands and always repeat them continuously either intentionally or that is just my accident.

With full awareness, I realize that sometimes all I have done is complicate the situation of the people I love. And I still cannot make them happy. But I am sure, behind that, You have a very good plan to guide me to the path that you are pleased with.

As my age increases, sometimes in my heart I always contemplate, when this self can make them happy? Those I love are those who always support everything I do and always rebuke me when I'm on the wrong path. 

Oh God ... one of my wishes on this happy day is that I can always make them happy and always on the path You're pleased with.

One of my determination is to be a person who can boast of everyone and not disappoint them for the umpteenth time.

As it turns out, being a successful person is not seen from the possessions but success when we can make our loved ones happy when they are with us.

Dear Allah,
Teach me not to ask for what is lost, but teach me to believe that what You give is the best.
I offer every breath, every step of my life only to You, now and forever.
Hopefully today will be a new life sheet.

Dear Allah,
You created us from nothing, became something.
Then you return us to You.
Our lives run and spin, accompany from the future according to Your will.

Dear Allah,
Today I arrived at this age
A day where I have to be wiser
The day I have to be closer to You
The day I should be able to be an example for others

Dear Allah,
Add my age, so my life will be more beneficial to others
Add my age, so I can look more at life with great meaning in Your greatness

Add my age, so I can persuade everyone whom I loved to always submit and serve you wholeheartedly.

Extend my age, so that I can be more grateful
For the pleasure and sustenance that you gave me

Dear Allah,
Make me become your Best 'Servant with the best devout and tawadhu' when receiving Your wisdom and blessings
Aged in my count, also reduced my age in your count

Dear Allah,
Thank you for lifting me
Being a creature with a high degree among your creatures
Thank you for giving me the light of faith, so that I can get to know You better

Dear Allah,
I believe that You will always give the best for me, my family, my parents and all my true friends, who always care about me
It is only to you that I always serve and only to you I ask for help.

Dear Allah,
Give me instructions so that I will always be your strong, patient and sincere servant in the face of this life,

Oh Allah, lead myrself to always be a wise person in dealing with problems in this world.

Dear Allah,
Extend my age so that I can live and be of benefit to your other people.
Make me included in Your servant who is always grateful for the sustenance and grace that You gave.

Hopefully I can take advantage of the rest of my life as optimally as possible with goodness in various forms.

I hopefully hope that you bless every breath, my pulse and heart, the whirling of my race, my eyes, my footsteps and every action of every component of me and my body.

I realize this life has no blessing without any regrets and prayers that I pray to you.

Oh Allah, Please grant the prayer of Your servant 
Aamiin ... aamiin ... aamiin ... Yaa Rabbal Alamiin

Surakarta, 13th August 2018
Cos Ma'arif H. L


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